Cookies Policy
Cookie Is a file that downloads in his computer in accessing to determinate websites. Them cookies allow to a website, between other things, store and recover information on the habits of navigation of an user or of his team and, depending of the information that contain and of the shape in which use his team, can use to recognise to the user. The browser of the user memorises cookies in the hard disk only during the current session occupying a by heart minimum space and not prejudicing the computer. Them cookies do not contain any class of specific personal information, and the majority of the same erase of the hard disk in finalising the session of browser (the denominated cookies of session).
The majority of the browsers accept as a standard to them cookies and, with independence of these, allow or prevent in them adjust of security them cookies storms or memorised.
Without his exprés consent –by means of the activation of them cookies in his browser– albertsoler. How it will not link in them cookies the data memorised with his proportionate personal data immediately of the register or the purchase.
Which types of cookies uses this website?
– Cookies Of personalització: they Are those that allow to the user access to the service with some characteristic of general character predefinides in function of a series of criteria in the terminal of the user how for example would be the language, the type of browser through the how accesses to the service, the regional configuration since where accesses to the service, etc.
– Cookies Of analysis: they Are those than well treated for us or for third, allow us quantify the numeral of users and like this realise the measurement and statistical analysis of the utilisation that do the users of the service offered. For this analyses his navigation to our website with the purpose to improve the offer of products or services that offer him.
– Cookies Of third: The Web of it can use services of third that, for account of, recopilaran information with statistical purposes, of use of the Site for part of the user and for the benefit of other services related with the activity of the Website and other services of Internet.
In particular, this place web uses Google Analytics, an analytical service of web loaned by Google, Inc. with domicile in the United States with his head office in 1600 AmphitheatreParkway, Mountain View, California 94043. For the benefit of these services, these use cookiesthat recopilen the information, included addresses him IP of the user, that will be transmitted, treated and stored by Google in the terms fixed to the Web Google.How. Including the possible transmission of this information to third for reasons of exigèncialegal or when mentioned third process the information for account of Google.
The User accepts on purpose, for the utilisation of this web, the treatment of the information collected in the shape and with the previously mentioned purposes and likewise recognises to know the possibility to refuse the treatment of such data or information refusing the use of Cookies by means of the selection of the appropriate configuration to such end in his browser. If well this option of blockade of Cookies in his browser can not to allow him the full use of all the functionalities of the Website.
Pot you allow, bloquejar or delete them cookiesinstalled in his team by means of the configuration of the options of the browser installed in his computer:
• Chrome
• Explorer
• Firefox
• Safari
If has doubts on this political of cookies, can contact with in